
The next workout can only begin after recovering from the previous one

It is widely accepted that when professional athletes, or celebrities who pay special attention to their physique sit in an ice bath, it’s not because they want to show off how well they can withstand extreme conditions. On the contrary, in fact. This sends a message that the human body is indeed vulnerable, and needs to be taken care of in order to stay in shape, and live a long and healthy life.

Ice bath equals iCool

During exercise (and other physical exertion), micro injuries appear in the muscle fibers, which means that the tissue sustains damage in the form of small ruptures. This is a natural process, and ideally does not pose a problem; what matters is the extent of the damage, and how long it takes to recover from.

iCool is specifically designed for those who are exposed to heavy physical exertion. It is therefore highly recommended for professional athletes, but also for performers, hobby athletes and those who do hard physical work – just imagine how exhausting a workday can be for professional dancers or industrial climbers. Ice baths are evidently designed for athletes, but as the examples show, they are by far not exclusively useful to those practicing sports.

The iCool brand stands for quality cooling systems specializing in rehabilitation and regeneration that can serve an individual as well as an entire team.

Since there are major differences in what is ideal for different sports, with different demands, there are numerous versions in our range of products to choose from. For example, the IceMate is an inflatable, rigid and highly portable unit, and can accommodate two people at a time. The IcePod  is also a compact model, designed specifically for one person or a small team, its primary concept is to save space.

The Team Recovery Pool is the first full-size plunge pool in the world, designed specifically for stadiums, sports clubs, associations, schools, universities, fitness- and wellness clubs and hotels. The fact that these are the most widely installed therapeutic ice baths in the world reveals a lot about this model’s quality.

Multiple methods to help with muscle regeneration

In addition to the ice bath, there are other ways to help tired muscles recover. Aerify uses a special pneumatic compression based technology to provide a dynamic and effective massage specifically to the tired parts of the body. By sequentially pressurising different chambers of the boots it increases lymph and blood circulation in your legs that reduces swelling and helps to recover faster by removing waste products of our metabolism like lactic acid from active lifestyle and sports. The improved flow of nutrient and oxygen-rich blood is exactly what your muscles need to be able to rebuild themselves.


Contact us, if you feel that it is time to pay more attention to effective recovery between your workouts.

Fun fact:

ICOOL® is used in all world competitions, Olympics, Paralympics, and in Tour de France.

You can find the products mentioned in the post in our webshop or visit the FitCollege Store, where our experts will be happy to help you. If you haven’t already, follow us on Instagram and Facebook too!