

Wim Hof légzőgyakorlatai hidegterápiához

Breathing Techniques for Cold Therapy by Wim Hof

The growing popularity of cold therapy (aka ice baths or cold…
Tudnivalók jégkádvásárlás előtt

Things to know before purchasing an ice bath system

In the recent period, unfortunately several ice bath tub and…
Find the right ice bath system for your home, gym or flat for rent

Find the right ice bath system for your home, gym or flat for rent

When you think of buying an ice bath tub, you should consider…
What’s the difference between ice bath tubs, cold water immersion and cryotherapy chamber?

What’s the difference between ice bath tub and cryotherapy chamber?

There are usually two options that come to mind when thinking…

Ice bath tubs for your skin’s health

Taking care of your skin is essential, as it is your body’s…

This is what you need to know before your first ice bath experience

You’ve heard about cryotherapy and ice bath tubs, but have…

Five mistakes you can make during ice bathing

Building new habits, especially when it comes to sports and health,…
5 dolog, ami miatt te is kipróbálnád a jégkádakat

5 Ice Bath Benefits That May Convince You to Take the Plunge

If you have never heard of ice baths yet, it is time to get familiar…

The next workout can only begin after recovering from the previous one

It is widely accepted that when professional athletes, or celebrities…

5 ways to ease muscle pain and support muscle regeneration

If you do physical work or regular exercise, such as lifting…

Regenerate like Ronaldo!

The increasingly popular ice bath is used by hobby and professional…


January 1 has been unofficially established as the Polar Bear…