
Ice bath tubs for your skin’s health

Taking care of your skin is essential, as it is your body’s first line of defense. This means that if you look after your skin, you look after your health as well, and a healthy skin is generally known to look much younger. We all have a form of skin care routine, tons of skin care products, creams and rubber masks of all sorts, yet we might not even know how much we could do for the health of our skin and for keeping it young with a simple yet amazing method, which is immersing in cold water.

Did you know that even just a drop of ice-cold water stimulates blood flow? Cold water naturally causes blood vessels to constrict and expand, increasing blood flow, thus improving the transport of oxygen and nutrients to skin cells, which then regenerate more easily and faster as well. Whoever dives into cold water will fight against free radicals, while ensuring their skin glow.

Taking an ice-cold bath may increase your skin’s regeneration ability after injuries, may decrease infections, the swelling of the eyes and may ease erythema as well. Of course, no one is asking you to put chilled cucumber slices on your eyelids, even though it seems to be useful at many times. According to Dr. Carl Thornfeld, founder of Epionce Skin Care, cold-water therapy helps strengthen contractile fibers, increases skin elasticity and minimizes pore dilation.

What effect does cold-water therapy have on your face?

For best results, give yourself a thorough face wash with lukewarm water, getting rid of all pollution and germs from its surface. You should avoid using cold water, as it is not as effective as lukewarm water when it comes to cleansing, while hot water washes off the natural oil layer of your skin. So, it is best to cleanse your face with water at the right temperature, thus washing off all pollution, while keeping your skin moisturized and protected by its natural protective layer. Next up is a cold-water rinse, which constricts pores and increases circulation. Such a face wash already refreshens the skin on your face. We told you it was simple, yet amazing, right?

And what if you want to do more for your skin’s health beyond your face?

Cold water does not only have an amazing impact on your face skin, but also on your whole body. Cold-water diving with your full body is called cold-water immersion, cryotherapy, cold-water therapy or ice-bathing as well. This method is becoming more and more popular among professional and amateur athletes, as it speeds up regeneration after trainings and increases their performance. Besides the world of ‘fitness,’ ice cold water diving can be, of course, used in the world of ‘wellness’ as well, earning a top-notch rank in this field as well.

When your body immerses in cold water during an ice bathing session, your pulse and the blood supply to the essential organs increases, transporting more oxygen to all parts of your body, which leads to a higher energy level and faster regeneration. Besides that, an elevated blood circulation may stimulate the removal of free radicals and waste products from the cells. If you stimulate your blood flow in such way, you are doing a lot for your health and for keeping your skin young.

If you are ready to take an ice bath, take a look at our ice bath tubs and cooling units, and contact us for further details.

Did you know?

iCool is used at all world tournaments, at the Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games, as well as at Tour de France.